Thursday, February 9, 2012



Exodus 3:13-14

"Moses said to, 'Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, What is his name? Then what shall I tell them ?' God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you."

This is such a cool story of real humanity being met by the power of a very powerful God. This is when God is telling Moses that he is going to free the Israelites. God is going to send Moses into Egypt to face Pharaoh and demand that he let the Israelite slaves go free. God is calling Moses to something so powerful and so amazing and Moses is response is "But what if...."

Moses is wrestling with so much. He is faced with having to lead people out of bondage and slavery as well as facing someone that once viewed him as a brother and now will see him as an enemy to the entire nation of Egypt. He is also struggling with his own inadequacies to lead. There is a lot going on in Moses' head. He is wants to please God and serve Him but his fear keeps him from diving head first into his calling.

I can only imagine that Moses felt, for lack of a better word, tangled. Everything in his mind and in his life was just tangled together. His heart was overrun with everything in one moment and I can only imagine it was hard to make sense of it all, but then.....

God looks at him and gives him an answer to the questions that consumed his thoughts. God untangles everything going on inside him with one thought. "I AM WHO I AM". God brings peace to a tangled emotional state by reminding Moses that God is who He claims to be. He reminds Moses that when the God of creation, the God of the universe is on your side that tangled becomes untangled very quickly. The details aren't what matter when I AM has your back.

Sometimes we can feel very "tangled" because of all of the circumstances of our lives. All the emotions and feelings that come along with family, work and life can make our hearts feel like we are tangled with no end in sight, but the hope that comes from the Lord is that He is a God of the details. He takes care of things in ways that we never see coming. Our hope is that the same God that told Moses to go into Egypt with confidence is the same God that we follow and serve today.
Imagine how God is going to use you when you let Him untangle the details, when you let Him untangle all the things that weigh on your heart.

Thought questions:
What is weighing you down and making you feel tangled? What are you struggling to trust God to untangle in your own life?

1 comment:

  1. Mike, you couldn't have posted this at a better time. Struggling with family has tangled me up into one big broken hearted mess. Even though I know only God is in control,I keep trying to control the situation that isn't mine to control. After reading what you wrote, I actually really get it now. He is the only one that can untangle the messiness of our lives. I can't. What I need to do is be still, patient, wait and trust in Him fully. He always fulfills His promises. If He is using me in the tangled mess in order to bring about good, I thank and praise Him.
