Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Refining Fire....


Zechariah 13:9

"...I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God."

Is hindsight truly 20/20? Do you ever take the time to look back at what has happened and realize that you and your life were remarkably changed by the circumstances that surrounded different situations in your life?

If we think back to when we were children and teenagers we can not help but notice that the things that happened to us shaped who we are today. For some of you it may have been a conversation with someone significant to you. For others it may have been an event that changed the way you looked at someone or something. It doesn't always have to be a HUGE event or conversation but a simple phrase or word of encouragement.

In our life times we are going to constantly go through things that shape who we are, how we look at certain things and how we react to things. Sometimes these things aren't always easy, but that doesn't mean they are not worth the ride. The question that we have to ask ourselves is are we willing to look at the things that we go through as stuff that God uses to shape and mold us into who we are as disciples of Christ?

We have got to get to a place in our discipleship where we allow God to use the flames of the fire to refine us into what HE wants for us to become. This isn't to say that the flames won't hurt, but are they worth it to you to be exactly what God wants for you to be and further more how He wants to use you?

Will you allow yourself to be refined by God? Are you willing to sit in the refining fire in order to burn away the things that get in the way of being a true disciple of Christ? Will you allow God to mold you into the person that can proclaim as Zechariah says 'the LORD is my God'?

Thought question:
Have you ever felt like God was refining you? Have you ever taken the time to look back at how God has shaped and molded you, how He has refined you? What events, in your life, is God trying to use to make you a creation that exclaims how powerful their God is?

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